[UCIMC-Tech] Print production equipment/use

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Thu Mar 10 15:49:37 CST 2011

I won't be at the Print meeting tonight, so here's my proposal:

1) The Print archive filing cabinet should stay where it is. I don't think 
the tiny space behind the vault door is useful otherwise, and the cabinet's 
top surface is still useful for equipment. And we need the security. We 
could petition B2P for a couple of square feet of their space, which is 
where we used to have the archives, but I'm not promoting this idea.

2) I'd like for Print's 1/4 of the table space to contain our workstation 
and a printer/scanner (or at least the scanner that we have). But until and 
if we figure out how to move production to Linux, it's best to skip the 
printer/scanner and have the two workstations that we have now. At least 
the second workstation can be used for other media projects when we aren't 
doing layout/proofing, which is most of the time.

3) The RFU equipment should stay in the room rather than  being moved out, 
as some have proposed. It is not in the way at current room usage levels. I 
anticipate that ultimately RFU off-air program production will use the room 
and studio heavily. I would like to see this usage drive RFU decisions 
regarding their production room equipment.

4) Linux workstations should be the norm. I don't know if this is an option 
for the RFU automation machine, but if it is I strongly encourage it. As 
with Print, it will open up the workstation for multiple users and projects 
without harming the primary application.

5) Networked printers are probably not a good idea for RFU and Print. RFU 
has to have a dedicated printer by law (as far as I know), and Print could 
use one that has limited use outside of our group so we don't end up buying 
printing supplies for the whole building. If table space is too much in 
demand, these printers can be mounted on the wall or under the table, but 
we're nowhere near this level of usage yet. We could also run a long cable 
and put Print's on top of the archive filing cabinet if need be.


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