[IMC-US-tech] dadaIMC / us imc site

Ben Chodoroff bc at sdf.lonestar.org
Sat Oct 18 20:52:30 CDT 2003

we've decided on using dadaIMC as the codebase for the US IMC site. 
we're going to have to make some additions/modifications to the code to 
allow for a few US-specific features, and i've been trying to figure 
out the best way to go about this.

the big thing is rss feed aggregation from the US sites - basically, 
the site will get the latest stories out of each us imc's rss feed and 
post them in the newswire feed. there seems to be some rss-grabbing 
stuff already present in the dada codebase, but not specifically for 
putting it in an aggregated form. it won't be too hard to make it do 
this, i think. it should probably be implemented as a new module.

another idea that i've been thinking about is an easy way for editors 
to collaborate in writing / compiling features from the aggregated us 
articles - some sort of interface in the editor section that allows for 
easy browsing/content clipping from other articles. this is farther in 
the future, though...

also, there's been talk of having a moderated open newswire. i don't 
think we've reached any consensus on this though.

the US imc should stick with the dadaimc coding conventions as much as 
possible so as to benefit the dadaimc project (and other imcs that use 
dada in turn).


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