[Newspoetry] frames, indices

William Gillespie gillespi at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 29 11:04:51 CDT 1999

Guess what.

I’ve just found out that frames are the worst thing in web page design
since the blink tag (which our site also uses). This is quite a blow.
There may be some good reasons for not using frames, and there may have
been some good reasons that are no longer the case. The use of frames
may hinder search engines from ever finding the site. I tried to
register us with some search engines. It didn't work, but it was free,
but I now get to delete weekly spam from something called “Webpromote.”
As I write this, the animated paperclip in Microsoft Word 97 is actually
breathing. Computers are confusing. A paperclip. Breathing.

There’s now a link to Newspoetry from the Poetry Project’s site in NYC –


The Poetry Project is a neat group of people so this link has a lot of
sentimental resonance for me.

What do you think of our new indices by poet and by form?


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