[Newspoetry] Amazon workers and you

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Fri Dec 15 18:06:13 CST 2000

Don't cancel your Amazon accounts just because they're fighting the organizing drive!  Please read the message below from one of the organizers if you want to know what's up.

As an alternative to Amazon, you might also try the recently-organized Powell's Books in Portland, OR:  http://www.powellsunion.com/  


>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 10:33:40 -0800
>From: Mike Blain <mblain at washtech.org>
>To: Peter Miller <peterm at shout.net>
>Subject: Re: Amazon letter
>Peter --
>Thank you for clarifying with people who are cancelling their accounts that 
>we are not asking people to cancel or boycott Amazon in any way. That is 
>definitely NOT what the organizing committee wants people to do. And if 
>workers on the fence hear that customers are cancelling their accounts to 
>support organizing, they will blame WashTech/Day2 even if
>it's not something we ever called for.
>Here is a link to a page on our site that explains what we are asking people 
>to do to support the organizing at Amazon:

Welcome! Thank you for supporting our effort to unionize at Amazon.com! 

We encourage all Amazon.com customers to continue to order from the company. We are committed to the company and we want this to be the most successful holiday shopping season that the company has ever seen.

If you are an Amazon.com customer, please take the following action when you complete your next purchase: When your order confirmation arrives via e-mail, hit "reply" to send the customer service department an individual reply. This e-mail will go directly to the customer service department and will not increase the workload of any employees (beyond reading your message). 

A suggested e-mail of support may be something like: "We support your effort to organize at Amazon.com. We are rooting for your success and wish you well. Keep the faith and good luck!" 

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