[Newspoetry] justice continues as a bankrupt enterprise...

DL Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Wed May 11 13:31:12 CDT 2005

Cheney Wins Court Ruling On Energy Panel Records 
(The Washington Post  5.11.2005) 


Having stacked the federal appeals courts in the DC with Republican political hacks, is it any wonder that we find a court is extremely deferential to the men who put them there.  The GOP knows they can attack the so-called liberalism of the courts -- because -- as with the so-called liberalism of the media -- there is nothing there -- no liberalism to fight back, no liberalism even left there to feel the pain of the lies, the insults to democracy that these GOP daily commit, upon the sanctity of the quiet memory that we call history.

When power has become premiere, among the ruling elite, the degradation of everything alse soon follows.  The greedy legions of lusting devils around Bush, and his factotum Cheney, punch in at the factory where the father of lies works, nonstop, insidiously misleading and covering over the theft of public policy from public view, for that private enrichment that the fascists always call "co-ordination" and "advising"... this helping of themselves to the wealth of others... this heaping upon themselves of the well-being others should have...

When power rules, divine right retreats, falls back upon the people, becomes their divine duty -- to throw off the tyranny.  That's what Washington, Jefferson, Adams and other said: tell the buggers to fuck off and die -- and if they don't listen to reason, well, then, there is always revolution... in french or russian dressings.

Ah, the peole have lost heart, while the leaders know the cowardice of the people -- for a people that has no hope will never revolt, no matter how deep and just their complaints.  People must believe that the world could be better than the shit-hole it has become under the asses of the Bush conglomeration.

The strategy of a just revolution, as Ghandi said, is a staged and symbolic resistance to the ordinary evils that we meet -- a refusal to continue in the ordinariness that has finaly, at last, fallen far below the level of decency.

Justice follows the law when power is checked, not when power is braggingly brandished as a weapon of dominance.

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