[Newspoetry] stupidity linked to genetic "normality"

DL Emerick emerick at rap.midco.net
Sat Feb 10 15:34:42 CST 2007

Schizophrenia linked to genius?

Actually, this finding could be restated.

The simplest fact is that everyone else is wrong:
All the normal people are, hmmm, uncreative morons?

I mean, isn't that what bothers people: the unexpected?

And, who is more likely to behave or think unexpectedly?

I'd rather that all my friends be schizoid than that any of them be normal.

A must see video...  http://www.scottmcleod.org/didyouknow.wmv

By the way, when all this happens,
The rest of the world will still be crazy according to my way of thinking.

Why is this?

Why is it the height of idiocy to think?
This distinctly means exceeding the information/data available.

Perhaps, as Heidegger, put it, we are ON THE WAY TO THINKING.

I don't know.  That's the point of genius.
Genius doesn't lie in knowing.
Genius lies in knowing that you don't know.
Once you come to that idea, and hold onto it, you can think.

Otherwise, all you do is repeat, like a data recording device on auto playback.

What enables thinking?

Thinking happens when you see the world abnormally,
As a place where the unexpected is most likely to happen,
If you happen to be creatively involved in it,
Defying conventions, of all kinds,
In order to define what is yet to come, possibly,
As a new conventionalism --
For they beat paths to the doors of better mousetraps,
Mice that they ever are, smelling the cheese,
And knowing of the traps, of conventionalism,
But finding it easier to take from food from a trap,
And so go on with their massive ways of being the living dead...

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