[Newspoetry] Capitalist Anarchy, a Moral Evil.

DL Emerick emerick at tds.net
Tue Feb 10 15:57:34 CST 2009

"On a cost-benefit ratio, what I'm telling you is that the vast majority of
Republicans in the House and Senate feel that this measure is not timely,
temporary or targeted," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told
reporters after the vote.  From

When it came to massive tax cuts of trillions of dollars under GW Bush,
McConnell did not talk about timeliness, temporality, or targets.  He voted
to cut taxes, and yammered on and on about how such cuts would strengthen
the American economy, and create millions of jobs.

None of that happened.  Cutting taxes usually has two critical economic
effects: it kills job growth and weakens the general economy.

The moral argument against an ideology of tax-cuts is that it relies upon
the fraudulent thesis that government is not part of the economy.  It
encourages people to think, erroneously, that, but for the government, they
would be better off.

But, the truth is that anarchism, which is the central aim of the GoP, is
the worst possible way for people to live.  Under capitalist anarchy, all
but a few people become peasants, manipulated and abused.  The lucky few are
the wealthy, and even they do not trust one another - building their castle
defenses to try to ward off the evil inherent in capitalist anarchy itself.
(Example: see Russia, today.)

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