[Peace-discuss] BBc war thoughts

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Sun Dec 22 16:38:43 CST 2002

 Sunday, 22 December, 2002, 11:52 GMT 
Iraq: Is war inevitable?

The US and Britain have moved closer to a war footing, after Prime Minister 
Tony Blair warned British troops to prepare for a possible conflict against 
Iraq if Saddam Hussein fails to comply with weapons inspections. 
He said the UK and US were building up military capacity in the Gulf and 
making all the necessary preparations in the event of a war. 

In a Christmas message to the armed forces Mr Blair praised their work and 
said sending troops to into action was one of the "hardest decisions" he had 
to make. 

His comments follow US Secretary of State Colin Powell's warning to Baghdad 
that it was "well on its way to losing this last chance" to avoid military 
action, after both countries concluded there had been major omissions in 
Iraq's weapons declaration. 

Is war now inevitable? Or can a compromise be reached over the Iraq crisis? 

  This has been planned for a long time

Mike Melick, USA
The bottom line is that Bush had already decided a long time ago that there 
was going to be a war. Whatever happens he will find an excuse - despite the 
fact that the world does not agree with him.
Belkiss, USA 

I have been seeing large trainfuls of military hardware moving to the east 
coast of the US all summer. Bush isn't going to just let the hardware sit on 
the docks. This has been planned for a long time. No matter what, Bush is 
going to war.
Mike Melick, USA 

The US, to its great credit, uses war as the last alternative. That's why it 
has such great moral standing. Most responders here are so misinformed 
factually, and misguided morally, that they fall easy prey to the propaganda 
of evil and undemocratic forces.
Jason, USA 

How many of the people who have added jingoistic comments to this debate will 
be sent to fight? I am being sent to fight, and I can tell you, I am scared! 
It is easy for you to say, "Yes, let's go!" when it is not you who is leaving 
your wife behind for the duration, not knowing whether you will return. 
John, UK 

The US is intent on war to obtain cheap oil and rescue its declining economy 
and currency. It is too bad that Bush can send probably thousands of people 
to their deaths but managed to wriggle out of active service himself years 
ago. It is too bad that the UK has a government which is too spineless to 
stand up to US pressure.
Dave, Canada 

 It will accomplish nothing

Sharon, Leeds, UK
A war may be inevitable but it will accomplish nothing. Only when the people 
and the politicians are willing to put their egos and past experiences aside 
can we begin to make progress. It's amazing how we can make weapons of mass 
destruction but cannot come to some resolution on peace, no matter how 
unachievable it seems. 
Sharon, Leeds, UK 

When Bush was elected, I feared that he and his cohorts would take our 
country into a war. Little did I realise that the US would be faced with wars 
on multiple fronts, especially one which follows the same pattern as Vietnam.
F. Young, USA 

Both sides are as bad as each other. 
Paul, Barbados 

Unfortunately, war with Iraq does seem inevitable simply because Bush and 
Blair see it as a political opportunity to gain a good foothold in the Middle 
Mike, UK 

 By going to war Blair is clearly making the UK a prime target for terror 

Anon Iraqi-Kurd, UK
Whilst many Iraqis loathe Saddam our loathing of the policies of the West is 
much greater. It is obvious Bush is trying to finish what his father 
couldn't. By going to war along with the US Blair is clearly making the UK a 
prime target for terror attacks in the future as discontent grows within the 
Arab world for the UK and Blair's backing of Bush on his pathetic mission. 
Anon Iraqi-Kurd, UK 

The US has done all it can to avert a war. We went to the UN and the 
international community to give peace a chance. It's not the US/UK that 
didn't give peace a chance - it is Saddam who threw peace out the window. The 
time has come for this 'song and dance' to end. It is time to invade Iraq, 
remove a ruthless dictator from power, destroy his inhumane weapons, and free 
the Iraqi people from oppression. When this is over, history will judge our 
actions as right, just, and liberators fighting for a more peaceful 
Brian O'Hare, New York, USA

Saddam like Bush has one personal agenda - to remain in power in his own 
country. Both can only back down so many times to do this. We've been here 
before haven't we? 
Kevin Critchlow, England 

Yes, war is a step closer. What I would wish for this Christmas is that when 
we do go to war, the politicians spend some time getting their hands dirty 
with the boys. Its all very well bleating about what a difficult decision it 
would be to send the troops in - try being there Mr Blair. 

A leader who was not elected by a majority of voters is pressing a nation of 
reluctant Americans into an invasion of a sovereign country. This war may 
destabilise the Middle East and certainly will exacerbate anti-American 
feeling throughout the world. There must be a better way than this. 
Matt, USA 

A war is good for the US and UK elite, in particular those who have interests 
in the weapon industry. A war is not only certain, but also necessary to 
ensure the wealth of an elite few in the US and in the UK. What could we do 
when money and power cooperate that closely in such disregard of any basic 
human rights? 
Christophe, France 

 People have short memories

David, USA
People have short memories. Saddam has killed thousands of his own people 
with chemical weapons. He has invaded a country that was not at war with him. 
He has been breaking UN sanctions for 8 years. Countries like Germany can cry 
all they want about how we are being too hard on poor Saddam but they 
wouldn't be the ones who would be sending their own soldiers off to die. 
Maybe the US and UK are being more aggressive about this because we have a 
higher stake in it. 
David, USA 

War is likely, because we are at the mercy of politicians who are clearly 
determined to fulfil their megalomaniac ambitions. But it is not, despite 
what they keep telling us, inevitable. 
Diana, USA 

Having not seen the dossier, I am in no position to judge whether it is 
accurate or not, so I have to rely on the opinions of others. As to the three 
major personalities involved, I dislike all three in equal measure; Saddam 
because his track-record on human rights is horrendous; Bush because he is 
weak-minded and being led by the nose by the military and the Oil lobby and 
Blair because he is an opportunist who will do anything to retain power. Is 
war inevitable? Given the posturing of these three, the answer is Yes 
John, UK 

I am so happy we have someone in office that does not sway with every wind to 
make people happy. This is not about your opinions, it's about right and 
Paul C, USA 

 They should give peace a chance

Ferdinand Adu-Darko, Canada
No matter how truthful the Iraqi dossier would be, the United States and 
Britain will never be satisfied. They have already made up their minds to 
fight a war with Iraq. This is not fair. They should give peace a chance. 
They should not hide behind the international community and the UN as a whole 
to hatch their plans. 
Ferdinand Adu-Darko, Canada 

It does not matter what the inspectors say. It does not matter what the 
dossier said. It does not matter that the people do not want war. The two Bs 
(Bush and Blair) have no intention of listening, they are going to bomb Iraq 
ian, USA 

Is war likely? Yes. Is the dossier credible? No way. Saddam should do the 
honourable thing and shoot himself. That would save the Iraqi people more 
pain and suffering. 
Michael, UK 

 The march to war is unstoppable

Robbie, UK
George Bush has gone on about Iraq's illegal arsenal for some months, but has 
never at any time provided evidence for it. I don't believe he will, because 
it doesn't exist. The march to war is unstoppable and we should all prepare 
for the worst. 
Robbie, UK 

War is inevitable, and President Bush is only waiting so that the US can be 
viewed as righteous in our actions. This is a war of liars, one of them 
stalling to hold on to power, and the other pushing to throw fuel on the 
American war machine.
Michael Schorsch, United States 

It's pretty obvious that he is a lying dictator who will manipulate the UN to 
his own evil ends. And Saddam's pretty bad too! 
Steve, Canada 

Saddam is in a no-win situation. If he had admitted he had Weapons of mass 
destruction, there would be war. If he had denied it (as he did) there would 
be accusations of lying. Let's face it, this war is going to happen. 
NB, Canada 

 The world and especially the Middle East is going to be better without him

Knowlton, USA
This discussion as to whether Saddam is trustworthy or not is ridiculous. 
Even his own people hate him. The world and especially the Middle-East is 
going to be better without him. For those who are opposed to war absolutely 
really don't understand the kind of man Saddam is, the crimes he has 
inflicted on his own people, and the wars he has started against Iran and 
Knowlton, USA 

Never have I felt so politically disenfranchised. The daily war mongering of 
the USA and UK is not only hypocritical, it clearly demonstrates the way in 
which these governments disregard the opinion of their citizens. Again and 
again we have stated that war is not only avoidable, it is not the answer. 
When will politicians begin to represent us again? 
Aaron, Canada 

 Saddam is not the only dictator.

KD. The Netherlands
It is rather unfortunate for the so-called world superpower and its ally, 
Britain to seek war as a solution for peace; when they know that all world 
armed conflicts have never seen a peaceful end. It will be better if the US 
and Britain will think about improving economy of the world. This will give 
them the security as many people they don't trust will stay in their own 
country. Iraq is for Iraqi's and should be left for them. Saddam is not the 
only dictator. There are a lot of evidence whereby US and Britain have helped 
brutal governments, so don't fool the world anymore. 
KD. Ofori, The Netherlands 

When the USA and Britain give up their own weapons of mass destruction they 
will be in a position to moralise about others. The fact is that Iraq has 
given no indication that it plans any form of attack on other nations, but 
both Britain and the US were never going to accept the contents of the 
dossier. If either country launches a pre-emptive strike they are proving 
that they are actually WORSE than Saddam - he hasn't attacked anybody! 
Steve, U.K. 

Anybody that thinks Saddam Hussein is not attempting to develop nuclear 
weapons is as naive as Saddam is dangerous. Once we have categorically 
established that he is developing these weapons the simple choice is to 
either sit back and wait until confronting him causes a holocaust or go in 
now and put an end to his vile regime. It really is that simple. Thank God 
the USA are policing the world and not Iraq or any other number of countries 
in the Middle east. 
Richard White, UK 

America is determined on war. The proof of whether or not Saddam has weapons 
of mass destruction will be apparent as soon as America attacks, because 
Saddam will know that he will not survive so he will use every weapon at his 
disposal. I personally feel confident no usable weapons will be found. 
Dudley Holley, UK 

 We have put up with Saddam's lies for too long

Robert Morrell, Inverness, Scotland, UK
No, I suspect that Iraq is trying to fob us off. He's definitely got weapons 
of mass destructions and has moved them to a different location, but we need 
to prove this. We have put up with Saddam's lies for too long; we need to get 
rid of him now. 
Robert Morrell, Inverness, Scotland, UK 

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows the US will twist this thing in 
any direction they want, so they can get their hands on Iraq's oil fields. 
Paul W, England 

Saddam is about as truthful as the Bush/Blair duo. But this is altogether 
irrelevant as Bush junior has decided to complete with Bush senior and get 
some oil into the bargain and to hell with the consequences! If he wanted to 
liberate oppressed people, why not start at home? 
Jack, UK 

I don't trust Saddam at all, let the USA and UK disarm him once for all. 
Imagine what could the world do if he had a nuke that was capable of being 
delivered worldwide and threaten everybody? 
Henry Bui, USA

 America want to push their weight around in this region

Kate, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 
Will the report be credible? Of course not, we knew that before it was 
published. Bush wants war so he will find something wrong with it. Is war 
likely? Absolutely. We are under no illusions here in the Middle East that 
America want to push their weight around in this region. 
Kate, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

The most powerful man in the world is George Bush, God save the world. 
S. C, England 

Everybody knows a war is here already. It seems we are just waiting for the 
media to make it official. But how come we haven't seen America's list of 
chemical and biological weapons. Let us not forget they are the only people 
in history that have used a nuke on civilians. 
Dave, Australia 

Saddam Hussain is an evil dictator and should be removed from power for this 
reason alone.
Andy, UK 

Glad to see the US decided to release the names of German companies visible 
in the Iraqi dossier. It means they think these companies weren't helping 
create weapons of mass destruction. An interesting question is, where are the 
blanked out names of those companies that were? Oops, are we getting too 
close there? 
A. Wulder, France 

Ah so that explains Germany's criticism of UN actions against Iraq... Caught 
out indeed but how are we to punish one of the most powerful countries of the 
EU? Does this imply that yet more red tape will affect international trade? 
David Druckman, UK 

America is venting its anger on Iraq just to cover its humiliation of 11 
September followed by the failure of capturing the guy whom they arrogantly 
boasted to catch in no time "dead or alive". 
Kollathodi Mohamed, Saudi Arabia 

Why a war? Why not a well-thought researched tactical target using a cruise 
missile along with laser and GPS guidance to take out Saddam and a few 
hundred either side of him? Why kill tens of thousands? 
Robby Daniel, Australia 

 Why doesn't the Iraqi Government publish the whole thing on the web?

Stephen, Germany/ex-UK
Why doesn't the Iraqi Government publish the whole thing on the web and then 
the world scientific community can also give its views? We will then not be 
forced to rely on the biased opinion of the US and UK Governments. 
Stephen, Germany/ex-UK 

What country is going to truly give all their defence info to anyone, 
especially an outspoken enemy? We are all being dragged into war to hide a 
huge nation's failing economy. 
Darryl, Canada 

Why is the government gearing up for war in spite of the clearly demonstrated 
will of the people, that is against war, in opinion polls and marches? 
Thomas, England 

Everyone seems to forget that Russia, China, France, and Great Britain, as 
permanent members of the Security council, all received unedited dossiers. If 
those countries want to, they can distribute the unedited document to other 
security council members. If the US wanted to hide something, it would have 
objected to the other permanent members getting unedited copies. Russia and 
China are not exactly in the US's back pocket on Iraq and can do as they wish 
with the document. 
Hunter Hutchinson, Herndon, Virginia USA 

 It's time to examine the purpose of the council

Shannon, US
If permanent members of the UN's Security Council are concerned information 
in Iraq's dossier will be used by non-permanent council members to boost 
their own weapons programs, it's time to examine the purpose of the council. 
If you can't trust members - permanent or otherwise - to fulfil their charter 
responsibility to maintain "international peace and security", then we either 
find countries who will, or release countries who won't. However, Iraq's 
claim that Washington could alter the contents of the document is the 
equivalent of spitting in the wind... more smoke and mirrors to focus on 
others, so Iraq's non-compliance with the cease-fire agreement isn't as 
Shannon, U.S. 

Yes, the US was right to intervene. As well as the issue of non-proliferation 
of nuclear secrets, it was also an important show of strength. People who 
complain about interfering in the affairs of "sovereign countries" are 
supporting the oppression of those countries' populations. Forget WMDs - 
invade Iraq, remove Saddam and free his people, then move on to North Korea 
and Iran and Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, and any other country where people 
aren't free. Western nations have the capability to clean up the world 
considerably - they ought to consider it their duty - even if it means 
another world war. Let's put the world's dictators on notice. 
Jon K, England 

If the US sanitises the Iraqi document before distribution then no evidence 
of WMD will be in the document and Iraq is in the clear. Perhaps the best 
thing for Iraq to do would be to distribute copies of the original document 
to all members of the Security Council and let them make up their own minds 
and not the version the US wants to push 
Ed Corbett, UK 

Why does the US want to "edit" the report before releasing it to the world 
community? Is it because the report will reveal information that inculpates 
morally corrupt US corporations (and "allies" like Pakistan) as providers of 
weapons technology to Iraq? This is another example of a highly disturbing 
trend on the part of the US to disguise the fact that its US foreign policy 
is in fact the same as its economic policy, driven by the economic profit 
motive above all. 
Chris, USA 

No, how can the US be both the player and the referee? It is unfair, unjust 
and corrupt. The US is geared to find any fault for war, they may use their 
technology to edit to suit themselves. 
James, Romania 

 This war has no merit

Paul Brown, Canada 
Whatever happened to the idea of innocent until proven guilty? I'm no fan of 
Saddam but this war has no merit. If the US wants to remove a dictator, the 
worst live in Saudi Arabia. If they're worried about nuclear weapons, India 
and Pakistan both have them. As for UN resolutions, how many has Israel 
Paul Brown, Canada 

I think it is highly probable that Saddam has hidden weapons of mass 
destruction. The question now is what is more likely to start global conflict 
- weapons whose existence has not yet been proven or the gung-ho attitude of 
the US and UK to pushing for a conflict with Iraq?
J C Dammer, UK 

How come no-one asked if we can trust the US or Britain to tell the truth? 
Glenn M, Canada 

Saddam has never told the truth, even now. Why should he? He has nothing to 
gain from it. War is inevitable. The UK and the US should tell the world the 
truth and the facts and then disarm Iraq by force. All this talking is a show 
and a complete waste of time. I am sure most people in Iraq want Saddam to go 
as the rest of us. It's time for action. 
Peter Ross, Zimbabwe 

 This reeks of gunboat diplomacy

Bob, Trinidad and Tobago 
Saddam Hussein deserves the pressure he is facing. However, the US's seizure 
of the dossier reeks of gunboat diplomacy and cowboy behaviour. As the days 
go by, the US is losing its image as a decent and credible example of 
democracy and fair play at work! 
Bob, Trinidad and Tobago 

Does it matter whether the report is credible or not? The so-called 
democratic nation, the US, is warming up to invade a sovereign country. 
Birkie, Canada 

No. The document is probably full of half truths but then again why doesn't 
the US give the weapons inspectors the so-called evidence they have to prove 
it wrong? Or maybe they don't have any credible evidence and the truth of the 
matter is they want oil. Funny that they want to liberate the people of Iraq 
now, where were they when he was gassing his own people? 

Iraq knows that the USA and UK should attack Saddam, so Iraq's report is 
Waleed, Palestine 

It seems silly that the country that has the most nuclear warheads armed and 
pointed at the world should be pointing fingers, but this is always the case. 
The dossier will most likely be accurate. The real question is whether or not 
my country will kill again regardless of fact or truth. It leaves me with a 
sick feeling. 
Mark Rose, USA 

 We have been brainwashed here to believe everything the administration says

Jill Unger, USA
As an American citizen, I wonder how we can get George Bush to tell the truth 
about Iraq. I keep hearing conflicting reports on what they have and have not 
got. I also know that we have been brainwashed here to believe everything the 
administration says. I personally am very fearful of a global war should he 
rattle his sword too much. 
Jill Unger, USA 

All the US and UK need to do to prove that Iraq has WMD is show the receipts. 
Or was the recent report about the US arming anti-Saddam Iraqis made up? 
Oliver Stieber, England 

We will not know if Iraq has told the whole truth until Bush shows the whole 
world what he claims is causing him to want to go to war. Unfortunately it 
would never happen because George Bush is not willing to tell his side of 
what he claims to be the truth. For me the onus is on George Bush to provide 
untainted proof. 
Kwadwo Som-Pimpong, US 

This is a very silly question. Iraq has made a declaration. If the US and UK 
have contrary information let them provide it. Not everyone in the world is 
as stupid as the Americans and the British think and in the current state of 
affairs Iraq is winning the game; anyone sensible can see that. The US and UK 
have no substance but only threats of war. 
John Achebe, Ethiopia 

 Let's hope Bush and Blair give us Iraqi humans a breather

Ahmed W, Baghdad, Iraq 
We as Iraqis believe that the bare truth is there in the 12,000 pages. Let's 
hope it is time for the Bush and Blair to get off our back and give us the 
Iraqi humans a breather, it is a very depressing thing to have them breathing 
down your neck. 
Ahmed W, Baghdad, Iraq 

If we judge truth by No 10's standards, I think the answer will be yes and 
no! The war against terrorism will not be stopped by a wall of paper. 
S Lambert, UK 

I hope the report is credible. It seems large enough to be. I suspect that 
any country with the threat of war looming would naturally leave out a few 
details. It will be up to the inspectors to verify the dossier or prove it 
William Sutton, Quesnel British Columbia 

 Saddam is a master politician

Sivanathan, Sri Lanka
No. Saddam is a master politician. His only weapon now is time and he will 
play with it as long as he can. The US is hell-bent on going to war, so why 
say the truth? It's out there to be found! And gives him time to rally world 
opinion towards him. 
Sivanathan, Sri Lanka 

I've got a horrible feeling the dossier is going to be utterly irrelevant. If 
Iraq says it has no WMD and the inspectors say they can't find any, then the 
British and the Americans will say that either Iraq has smuggled them abroad, 
or that the inspectors are incompetent. If Iraq does possess the weapons, it 
may well have concluded that war is inevitable and its best defence is to try 
and hold on to the weapons, either as a deterrent or as a bargaining chip. 
And the really sad fact? Somewhere, Osama Bin Laden is watching us fall 
straight into this trap. 
Mike Richards, UK 

The Iraq report is as credible as Enron or WorldCom's financial reports. 
Deepak R, Canada 

 Iraq will say the truth

Kim John, Jordan 
Iraq knows very well that the US wants to launch a war and that Iraq will not 
win. Iraq is aware that any biological or chemical weapons will not help it 
in its war against the US, therefore it will say the truth. 
Kim John, Jordan 

No, I don't trust a country that has itself used weapons of mass destruction 
on civilians, and tacitly condoned the use of chemical weapons by its allies. 
I find it hard to trust America. 
Nausherwan Lahori, Lahore, Pakistan 

Do you expect the report will show Iraq has fulfilled the UN's demands? YES! 
Will the report be credible? Very much so! More credible than the tactics of 
the United States of America! 
Ahmet A. Kozanoglu, Turkey 

Of course we trust that Iraqi officials will tell the truth and nothing but 
the truth. I'm confident that the Iraqi report will be truthful in a manner 
similar to those reports about Iraq presented to worldwide public by British 
or US officials. 
Mirsad, Slovenija 

I am sure that there will be "elements" that are true in the dossier, but the 
key important bits will be missing... like Iraq's weapons of mass 
MDC, United Arab Emirates 

 Let the UN inspectors do their job and hold back the dogs

Ajani, USA
Iraq is fairly letting the inspectors search where they want and how they 
want. Let's give some credit where it's due. Let's let the UN inspectors do 
their job and hold back the dogs. If they find nothing then let's give peace 
a chance. War isn't going solve a thing but make another war inevitable. 
Ajani, USA 

Iraq has lied about almost everything for the last 20 years. How can it be 
trusted now? Deceit is an integral part of the current regime and they're not 
about to change. 
Ed Morgan, UK 

Why do the US and UK automatically assume the report won't be credible and 
that Saddam will be lying. Are our politicians so honest? 
Eve S, Australia 

 I hope he's telling the truth

Chris Neville-Smith, Durham, England 
Maybe Saddam does has WMD hidden somewhere, maybe he doesn't - but I already 
know the dossier will say he doesn't. Whilst it was only fair Saddam was 
given a chance to come clean, there was no way he was going to do so. I hope 
he's telling the truth, but the fact that he kept weapons inspectors out of 
Iraq for four years doesn't fill me with much confidence. 
Chris Neville-Smith, Durham, England 

12,000 pages? Who wrote it - Archer? 
Chris B, England 

No more than I trust the United States to be honest...Feed the poor and build 
affordable housing and stop being so egotistical 
Loreen, Canada 

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