[Peace-discuss] VA research

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Thu Oct 31 07:45:12 CST 2002

WASHINGTON (Oct. 30, 2002) - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 
plans make available up to $20 million for research into Gulf War illnesses 
during fiscal year 2004, a figure twice the amount spent by VA in any 
previous year.     The announcement, made by VA Deputy Secretary Dr. Leo S. 
Mackay Jr., 
highlighted a two-day meeting of VA's Research Advisory Committee on Gulf 
War Veterans Illnesses.  The decision was, in part, a response to a 
committee report in June concerning areas of research that need further 
study.         "We want the best researchers and the best ideas brought to 
bear on 
this long-standing problem," Mackay said. "Research into Gulf War illnesses 
is an area ripe for important discoveries."         Studies by researchers 
from VA and the private sector have found 
evidence of a possible neurological basis for the complaints of some 
veterans.         The committee, commissioned last January by VA Secretary 
Principi and chaired by James Binns, a Vietnam veteran, includes scientists, 
business people, Gulf War veterans and veterans advocates.  Some members 
have been critical of previous government efforts to diagnose, treat and 
research the medical problems of some veterans.         "This is a huge 
occasion for our work," said Binns. "This is 
tangible evidence that this administration is different and committed to 
finding answers."         In addition to the increase in funding, VA plans to 

create a special 
center dedicated to  medical imaging technologies.  These technologies are 
important to understanding Gulf War illnesses as well as other conditions 
important to veterans.         To date, the Departments of Defense, Health 
and Human Services and 
VA have spent $213 million on 224 research projects to answer the questions 
surrounding Gulf War illnesses.         "Science is finally beginning to 
unravel the mysteries of Gulf War 
illnesses.  And finally, there is reason for hope," Mackay said. 

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