[Peace-discuss] Re: [Wefta] military recruitment on WEFT (!)

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Fri Sep 5 07:04:01 CDT 2003

Robert: The abuse you encountered is not part of the military but part of  
serious family problem by a person who should never have been in the military 
and should be prosecuted. Report it now!  Yes, the military is all about killing 
and destroying and individuals are taught that and conditioned to do that 
without remorse. Sometimes that is necessary despite what you may think.  
Although, you may see the military only as apart of the industrial complex, and it 
is, it has more than that purpose. Your entire concept that the police and 
military is only a tool for the for the rich and powerful shows your own bias and 
lack of experience and knowledge. Police ar outt here protecting and serving 
the public-most of their jtime on the ob is dealing with family problms and 
criminal actions caused by individuals who make a choice. Represuion does exist 
but it is not pervasive and the purpose of thse groups. And where does the idea 
come from that textbooks are sponsored by corporations? That is just not worth 
discussing.  And if you do not like a textbook why not write a new textbook?  
The labeling of an enemy to optimize fighting is flat wrong but it does 
enable easier military actions and racism may or may not be part of the equation.  
Although racism is flat wrong and does exist, everything is not due to racism. 
So get a life. As to atrocities during war or combat- yes they exist and have 
many reasons and causes. Yes they are flat wrong but part of life and the 
military that we must change.  Now, how about helping make a real difference? If 
you do not like something help change it, do not just attack it.  Join me in 
helping me and my team members prepare and conduct lectures, radio interviews, 
television documentaries,  newspaper and magazine stories, congrssional 
briefings, and help us / me write research papers to change and improve the quality 
and functioning of the military and police personel and systems. You may not 
like either and wish they were gone but they are here to stay because the are 
both necessary, reality not wishful utopia, and thus you can either help change 
them and improve them or just ignore them and continue to complain about them 
without effective action.  This entire discussion that started after a  PSA 
on U.S. Marine Corps recruiting that was broadcast on WEFT has been 
frustrating. I asked for help to write a short anti military recruiting annoucement that 
we could have broadcast and/or propose a radio show to discuss the realities, 
immediate and long problems and reasons why individuals should not join the 
military today. But just like I have found over the past few years very few want 
to help do the work that can make a difference but toooo many just complain 
and argue and talk about it.  So once more- who wants to help me?  Do you want 
to make a real difference?  If so please help me.   


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