[Peace-discuss] Humor, cont'd

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Sun Jun 13 14:14:39 CDT 2004

Okay, I'll play.....

Q  What do you call 50 geeks playing Monopoly?
A Microsoft

Q What's 40 feet long and smells like urine?
A Line dancing at the nursing home.

Q What were the happiest 3 years of George W Bush's life?
A Grade 5

Q Where are you sending that check?
A To the Committee to Re-defeat the President

Q What's the same about Mack the Knife, Winnie the Pooh, and Attila the Hun?
A Same middle name

Q Why is gay marriage a bad idea?
A They've already suffered enough

Q What's the same about Geroge Bush in the White House and a turtle on a post?
A They didn't get there by themselves, they can't do a thing while they're there, and someone needs to remove them as soon as possible

Q What did George Bush do when the doctor told him that Dick Cheney had acute angina?
A He fired him -- Bush knows that men don't have anginas.

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