[Peace-discuss] Fwd: [SRRTAC-L:14282] Nation's Largest Union Calls for End to Occupation of Ir

Alfred Kagan akagan at uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 24 08:51:28 CDT 2004

>From: "Kathleen de la Pena McCook" <kmccook at tampabay.rr.com>
>To: SRRT Action Council <srrtac-l at ala.org>
>Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 22:29:32 -0400
>Subject: [SRRTAC-L:14282] Nation's Largest Union Calls for End to 
>Occupation of Ir
>Reply-To: srrtac-l at ala.org
>Priority: normal
>X-Virus-Scanned: Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine
>Sender: owner-srrtac-l at ala.org
>Nation's Largest Union Calls for End to U.S. Occupation
>of Iraq and Withdrawal of U.S. Troops
>Nearly 4000 delegates of Service Employees
>International Union (SEIU), the nation's largest with
>1.6 million members, voted unanimously at the union's
>national convention in San Francisco today to end U.S.
>occupation of Iraq and to bring U.S. troops stationed
>there home.
>The strongly worded resolution pointed to military
>intervention aboard and attacks on workers at home.
>The resolution charged the Bush administration (backed
>by a majority in Congress) with responsibility for
>declining wages and benefits, deunionization, cuts in
>public services, crumbling health care and educational
>systems, cuts in veterans benefits, escalating public
>debt, and eroding economic, social and personal
>The union proclaimed, "We cannot solve these economic
>and social problems without addressing U.S. foreign
>policy and its consequences."
>It accused the Bush administration of using "deception,
>lies and false promises to the American people and the
>world" to launch a "unilateral, preemptive war" in
>Iraq, causing the death of thousands of Iraqis and
>hundreds of U.S. soldiers, and costing taxpayers
>hundreds of billions of dollars.
>The resolution aligned SEIU with the principles
>contained in the Mission Statement of U.S. Labor
>Against the War (USLAW), a national network of labor
>organizations founded in 2003 to oppose war in Iraq and
>the Bush administration's foreign policies of
>unilateralism, militarism and preemptive war.  USLAW
>has more than 70 affiliated labor organizations,
>including a dozen SEIU's largest local unions.
>Those principles include
>     * a just foreign policy based on international law
>     and global justice; * an end to U.S. occupation of
>     Iraq; * redirecting the nation's resources from
>     "inflated military spending" to meeting human
>     needs; * supporting U.S. troops by bringing them
>     safely home; * protecting labor, civil and
>     immigrant rights and civil liberties; and *
>     solidarity with workers around the world struggling
>     for labor and human rights, and those in the U.S.
>     who support U.S. foreign and domestic policies that
>     "reflect our nation's highest ideals."
>The union resolved to work with all religious,
>community, political and foreign policy groups (such as
>USLAW) that are committed to a set of principles
>delineated by SEIU President Andy Stern in a letter to
>President Bush in January 2003, which include: war as a
>last option, not first resort; peaceful multilateral
>solutions to international disputes; a foreign policy
>that prioritizes improving the lives of people around
>the world; and protecting at home those rights and
>freedoms the administration claims it seeks for people
>The resolution was adopted without dissent after a half
>dozen or more local union leaders rose to passionately
>advocate its passage.  The resolution had been
>submitted by the SEIU International Executive Board for
>convention action based on resolutions submitted by
>Locals 49, 250, 535, 615, 715, 790, 1199NE, 1199P, and
>The full text of the resolution is available on the
>USLAW website at
>U.S. Labor Against War (USLAW)
>www.uslaboragainstwar.org info at uslaboragainstwar.org
>PMB 153 1718 "M" Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036


Al Kagan
African Studies Bibliographer and Professor of Library Administration
Africana Unit, Room 328
University of Illinois Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

tel. 217-333-6519
fax. 217-333-2214
e-mail. akagan at uiuc.edu

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