[Peace-discuss] Naomi Jakobsson

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 4 14:45:40 CDT 2006

Naomi was running for the first time when my mother
was in the hospital dying of cancer.  She called her
multiple times to see how she was doing and she took
some of our concerns about Provena higher up and was
able to get some things done for her.  I know this
part is not relevant to how she has been since being
elected, but I asked my mother at the time since I
didn't know Naomi if she was a good candidate.  I'm
assuming they knew each other from some of the work my
mother did with Homestead Corp and/or The Center for
Women in Transition....it has been a while so I don't
remember.  Anyway, my mother said that Naomi was a
good person, but like most people are in politics she
would need us (the voters) to keep her on track.

I have personally called Ms. Jakobsson off the floor
in Springfield and met with her a few times here in
Champaign on various issues (none as an AWARE member).
 I found her very easy to meet with, very busy, but
willing to listen.  She also seemed pretty honest
about what she would not do if pressed on an issue.  I
have not found her willing to go out on a limb and
that is frustrating for me.  She needs numbers and to
feel like she has more than a very small fringe group
lobbying her for something.  I have seen her change
her mind on an issue and that gives me hope.

I suggest if we really want her to do something about
a particular bill or issue that we need to really
organize a campaign to get her attention...letter
writing, signatures, etc. and meetings where we are
concise and have our facts and figures.  Not that we
wouldn't do this anyway.

I'm not sure who I will vote for at this time, but I'm
not willing to write off Naomi quite yet.

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