[Peace-discuss] Relationships

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 18 12:30:40 CDT 2006

"Close personal relationships" are thought to grow out of
common causes and interests rather than out of personal similarity.
If you look at the friends you've acquired over your lifetime,
I think you'll see this pattern. I certainly do in my case.

I'm not sure what you mean by convincing other people, Karen.
If you mean convincing a racist that he is a racist, or convincing
a racist that there is general racial injustice, I think you are
wasting your time. I agree with Ken Salo, that ones arguments
should be grounded in concrete injustices if they are to move
things toward a more just society. Statistics purporting to show
racial inequity won't buy you much. Specific cases of inequity, on
the other hand, cannot really be argued with, forcing the listener
to consider appropriate action rather than abstract principle.


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