[Peace-discuss] Aristotle

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 16 10:59:52 CDT 2007

I don't agree with you regarding Aristotle, Carl. I was, however,
not quoting his opinions but rather applying his principle of
the "golden mean."

Aristotle saw right government in class terms. He viewed pure
democracy as government by the poor, and opposed this because
he thought the wealthy should also have a voice, even though
they were in the minority, because they had the spare time to
be educated and to spend on public service. Aristotle's polity is
definitely an application of his concept of the golden mean.
I think what I wrote is also a proper application of the golden
mean. I differ with Aristotle on the class analysis, and agree
with de Tocqueville that democracy is workable only if there is
a large middle class.


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