[Peace-discuss] Conference

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 18 17:58:59 CDT 2007

Unlike Carl, who spoke at length against Democrats after the
conference, I do not think that Durban in insincere and wants
to say he is for pullout but really wants to stay.

That said, I think Durbin should be being a lot tougher on Bush.
This is a Constitutional crisis, he knows it, and he needs to say
so loudly and frequently. He rejected impeachment as impractical
due to time constraints, but I agree with Nichols that open efforts
should be underway.

He also said when asked about Iran by Barbara that he didn't believe
that we would invade Iraq. I don't either. There was no time for a
follow up-question, but I'm pretty sure that Bush will start bombing
Iran presently, as Buchanan suggests, and I would like to have heard
Durbin's opinion on that.


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