[Peace-discuss] Agenda Item Suggestion -- Possible Action Idea

Neil Parthun lennybrucefan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 12:33:54 CDT 2007

Aloha and salutations all --

	I hope this Wednesday is finding everybody to be well.

	I am sending this out to see if it could be put on Sunday's agenda  
as a possible action.  I was speaking with Ricky over e-mail and he  
had a few ideas during our discussion.  One of these ideas was to set  
up a discussion about the pro-war/occupation Democrats and  
Republicans versus those Democrats and Republicans who favor a total  
withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.  It wouldn't necessarily be about  
why the war was bad but how to see through the "We're for a  
withdrawal except for counter-terrorism, keeping Iraq from being a  
failed state, helping secure Iraq" et al. smokescreens.

	It may be something we can work on with tangible goals and give us  
all something to do over what seems to be a 'summer lull'.

	Just a suggestion for AWARE to consider.  If it could get on the  
agenda for Sunday, I would be very appreciative.  Thanks in advance.

Don't mourn. Organize,
                     x Neil x

You can't really be strong until you see a funny side to things.
[ken kesey, 1935-2001]

Keep your blood clean, your body lean and your mind sharp.
[henry rollins, 1961-]

I read somewhere that when a person takes part in community action,  
his health improves.  Something happens to him or to her  
biologically. It's like a tonic.
[studs terkel, 1912-]

Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world,  
you must make that attempt.  That's morality, that's religion.   
That's art.  That's life.
[phil ochs, 1940-1976]

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