[Peace-discuss] War Party

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 1 13:01:24 CDT 2008

Neil argues that we are being asked to choose between the left and right 
wing of the War Party. I point out that this is true only if one accepts 
that all use of the military is bad in principle. Be careful if you are 
considering this position, Neil, because you also preclude revolution.

Obama is famous (or infamous to some) for arguing both side of issues, 
leaving people who listen closely confused regarding his positions. He has 
always been like this- it isn't just an act connected with his current 
campaign. I suspect in another incarnation he might have been a Unitarian 
pastor. I've listened in amusement to a number of Unitarian sermons in 
which the pastor tried to be so fair to all sides that he exhausted himself.


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