[Peace-discuss] "earlybird deadline" for UFPJ Natl Assembly, Chicago, 12/12-14

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 11:47:19 CDT 2008

Friday 12/12-Sunday 12/14.

Saturday is the "earlybird registration deadline."

It's in Chicago, mostly on a weekend, so for many of us, we could go
without much hardship.

If we shared gas, it would be even cheaper...

Most such meetings don't happen in the Midwest, so it's a fairly
unique opportunity to interact with national activists.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UFPJ <webmaster at unitedforpeace.org>
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:28 PM
Subject: [ufpj] Next Steps In UFPJ National Assembly Planning
To: naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

Dear UFPJ Member Groups,

In this message you will find several items related to the upcoming
UFPJ National Assembly:

Information about how we are moving forward with a discussion of the
program work of UFPJ
Some questions for you to consider as your group reviews the current
versions of UFPJ's Unity Statement and Strategic Framework.
A reminder about registering now for the Assembly.

We know everyone is swamped with many other important demands on your
time and energy. But we hope that your group will carve out some time
to review this information and the various documents we have sent you.
The work we do between now and the National Assembly will make all of
the difference in getting the most out of our time when we gather in

As always, please feel free to call the national UFPJ office if you
have any questions about the Assembly or the process leading up to it:


Leslie Cagan
National Coordinator


1) Moving forward with a discussion of the program work of UFPJ.

This year we are trying something new in the process for developing
the program proposals for consideration and adoption by the National
Assembly. As a first step in this process,we have prepared an outline
of the current and ongoing program work of UFPJ. Click here to see
that document:http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3971

When you read this outline we hope you will remember that it will be
important for the coalition's program work to flow from the Strategic
Framework that is adopted by the National Assembly. But we cannot wait
until the Assembly to begin the discussions about our programmatic
work, so we are encouraging UFPJ member groups to begin this
conversation now. We offer this initial document as a starting point
for those discussions.

Here is a link to a form for feedback of this document:
Please use that form to send in your responses to the questions posed,
and any other comments you want to pass along. The deadline for this
feedback from your group is Friday, November 14th.

2) Feedback on current versions of UFPJ's Unity Statement and
Strategic Framework.

Reminder: the first round of feedback from UFPJ member groups on the
current versions of these two documents is this coming Friday, October
31st. Please use the forms on the UFPJ website, which can be found by
clicking here:

Feedback on the Unity Statement:

Feedback on the Strategic Framework:

We offer the following set of questions as items for you to think
about as you read the documents and start thinking about what sorts of
revisions or changes your group would like to see in them:

Where does the peace and justice movement go from here given the new
political post-election climate?

How do we respond to, interact with, and/or keep the heat on the new
President and the new Congress?

What do we want our work and our movement to look like in six months?

What issues should we be focusing on?

How does the antiwar movement address the economic crisis and other
domestic issues, while still working to end the war in Iraq and
prevent new wars?

How do we expand the peace and justice movement in the current climate?

3) Register now for the UFPJ National Assembly!!

Saturday, November 1st is the deadline to register for the early-bird
special, the discounted fee to register for the National Assembly. We
encourage you to take advantage of this offer.

To register for the Assembly, click here:

Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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