[Peace-discuss] Flanking maneuver: tactic or strategy?

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 28 01:34:29 CDT 2008

Can McCain make gains from Obama's unpopular pro-war and pro-bailout positions?

In Friday's debate he came close to condemning Obama's call for more war in 
Pakistan, where the foreign policy establishment thinks the center of armed 
resistance to US control of the Middle East is to be found.  Obama praised 
Bush's killing in Pakistan but finds it insufficient.

Now Obama has shown his support for the unpopular bailout plan, altho' both he 
and McCain evaded the question in the debate.  McCain could take the popular 
position in opposition to the bailout, along with the House Republicans, and 
paint Obama as a tool of Wall Street (which he clearly is).

I think it would take more guts than McCain has to attack Obama on the war and 
the bailout, but he may decide that there are votes there, as there surely are. 
  And he may even have some perversely principled reasons for not launching such 
attacks.  --CGE

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