[Peace-discuss] RE: [Peace] How to locate AWARE table at Sweetcorn Festival

Robert Dunn prorobert8 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 31 13:38:27 CDT 2009

whether you disagree or not with a particular candidate is one thing, but being overtly rude and even yelling at the guy is another. You were banned twice from IP for your overtly anti-Semitic/racist comments. IP is very open to those of a variety of viewpoints. You cross the line when you threaten, use racist/anti-Semitic/or anti-gay language! You have been guilty of all of this. I do not know your relationship with AWARE, but i wanted AWARE to know about who you really are. I know that AWARE is non-violent and has had to kick an individual out due to his violent rhetoric, (Hippie Joe.) As far as the local GOP goes, the war has nothing to do with Champaign County. We are about electing local candidates, not taking positions on every controversy that comes down the road.


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:15:25 -0500
From: ewj at pigs.ag
To: prorobert8 at hotmail.com
CC: peace-discuss at anti-war.net
Subject: Re: [Peace] How to locate AWARE table at Sweetcorn Festival

(moving to Peace-discuss)

I don't like to be misquoted and misrepresented.  
I prefer that those who disagree and disparage have their facts straight.

Those who choose a path of violence generally come to a violent end.

My reference is to the notion that we need new tactics to awaken the masses,
the equivalent to "bombs".  Some in the liberty movement have had promoted "money bombs"
raising hundreds of thousands even millions for candidates like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff,
which is having some effect.


In regard to the local GOP, I am still on their mailing list.  I had been an appointed 
precinct committeeman in Cunningham 12, from which position I resigned several months ago,
prior to running for city council in Urbana as an Independent.  Nobody kicked me out, I just 
walked away.  Indeed I was banned from IlliniPundit, not just once, but twice in fact.   :-)   That blog is not exactly
what you might call a free-speech zone, nor is it a venue for exchange of "traditional conservative" ideas such as
opposition to war.   I have found other outlets that are somewhat more receptive.

It seems that the GOP has forgotten the purpose of elections in general and chooses to 
act as a dominant top-down politburo "choosing primary winners so that the people don't have to".

Indeed ex-party chief Andrew McKenna has been quoted as stating that the Illinois GOP Central Committee
should determine who the GOP candidates are, and not have a primary election at all.  Certainly the fellow you refer to as
"our 103rd State Rep candidate" appears to be anointed by the local top-down organization, and there
is no reason for the people themselves to be consulted.  I took issue with him over the fact that he told me that
he had been solicited by the local top-downers and that the GOP didn't want anyone else to run because
they didn't want to expend precious resources on a contested primary.  

My point is that this top-down selection of candidates is a perversion of the democratic process and is not
conducive to "good government".  Others may disagree.  

I think it is particularly unfortunate that the GOP has come to view primary elections as an impediment to their political ends.
I am no great fan of Abraham Lincoln but I do agree that government should be "of the people, by the people, for the people" whether
there is much evidence that Lincoln actually subscribed to that concept or not. 

On 8/30/2009 6:56 PM, Robert Dunn wrote: 

my favorite moment of AWAREs table was when Wayne Johnson rather loudly talked about his desire to make bombs in his home! Sorry Wayne, the local GOP did not find that too funny, plus your being extremely rude to our 103rd State Rep candidate. AWARE, please be aware, ( no pun intented that Wayne Johnson is not to be trusted. He has been banned from IlliniPundit, the local GOP banned him! Maybe for AWAREs reputation, you guys should follow suite!

Robert Dunn

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 08:19:32 -0700
From: jencart13 at yahoo.com
To: peace at anti-war.net
Subject: [Peace] How to locate AWARE table at Sweetcorn Festival

Easiest way for me to locate the table was to find the ticket booth with the pointy purple and white top (taller than everything else), and then walk East a scant half block on Main while looking to my Right... and seeing the flapping shirts and AWARE awning, etc. 

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