[Peace-discuss] Blago-Burris circus

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Jan 4 12:02:49 CST 2009

Yes, and, with the happy accident of the BBC (I like your coinage of 
"Blago-Burris circus"), Illinois continues to supply a distraction from the real 
political situation, as it did during the presidential (non-)election.

Consider two Illinois politicians. One may be guilty of nothing more than bad 
language and politics as usual: he's been convicted of nothing, and -- innocent 
until proven guilty -- has exercised his legal responsibility to appoint a 
senator. (I should think that Illinoisans would be more miffed at the Senate's 
intention to disregard our legal procedures.)  He hasn't even been accused of 
killing anybody, or even planning to.

The other Illinois politician is publicly planning to kill thousands, and by his 
inaction has allowed the killing of hundreds this week alone by thugs paid by 
our government.  But we're not planning to fill the streets to prevent the 
public celebration of the inauguration of this blood-spattered con-man.  Our 
dismay is displaced onto the pathetic governor.  As he might say, fuck that...


Ricky Baldwin wrote:
> Couple of even more annoying developments, from Nick Burbules's excellent
> news roundup ...
> http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/1/3/94832/93890/631/679744
> http://www.mydd.com/story/2009/1/3/19577/93035
> And even the most superficial overview of Burris's past seems to suggest that
> his current level of opportunism is par for the course, e.g.:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Burris
> Are we really going to have to start the Obama Administration arguing over
> non-issues like, "He's just a sneaky Chicago politician like that Blago and
> Burris..." or "lynching" Burris, or (as someone shouted at last month's demo)
> the claim that Obama is a Muslim [as if that were a problem, but of course he
> isn't, followed by:]  "Oh, yeah?  Then why'd he change his name to a Muslim
> name? [cue the sound of truck engine zooming away]" - or better yet, "Good
> luck with the Magic Negro," or whatever????
> Don't we have enough problems to try to sort out, you know, with depression
> looming and huge tracts of the planet drowning in blood, for example?
> Ricky
> "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

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