[Peace-discuss] Income disparity discussion

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 1 10:00:34 CDT 2009

Karen Medina writes "I'll mention that a graduate student at the university 
makes below the poverty level. But these students' families are always 
excluded from
the counts. Perhaps rightly so, but some of them are really struggling to 
get by."

It's even worse than low pay for grad students, Karen. Foreign grad 
students who bring their families do not get health coverage for their 
families. One of the free health clinics operates partly in Orchard Downs! 
This entire situation borders on shameful, and is a little too close to 

The bad AP analysis, which Brian says was repeated by DN! (which doesn't 
speak well for their critical capacity) makes the situation look much less 
serious than it is. Most Americans still don't realize that we are in the 
new Gilded Age, with no end in sight. The last one had us fairly close to 
revolution when the truth sank in. Tolerating this is really stupid.


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