[Peace-discuss] State Department Terminates Aid to Honduras Coup Regime

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Fri Sep 4 10:54:00 CDT 2009

The "word on the street" is that the USG trained the military and 
"ordered" the coup.

On 9/4/2009 10:35 AM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> E. Wayne Johnson wrote:
> > Isn't the most appropriate response of the US a cessation of military
> > activity in the region and a non-interventionist foreign policy?
> Yes, indeed. Plus immediate withdrawal of all US military and CIA, and 
> a cessation of SOA training and all "aid," military and non-military.  
> Substantial US economic and development aid should be channeled 
> through the UN so that the US cannot use it for praise or blame.
> Since Honduras was the pretty thoroughly colonized hub of the US 
> contra war, it's been deeply impacted by the USG, which was 
> undoubtedly aware of the upcoming coup.

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