[Peace-discuss] "Imperialism" ?

Ron Szoke r-szoke at illinois.edu
Thu Sep 10 23:14:00 CDT 2009

" You may want to revise your attitude toward the initiation of America's 
venture into big time world politics and "imperialism."  "

This is puzzling, Ralph.  Can you cite any instance of anyone on this list 
expressing any particular "attitude" toward the events you mention?  If not, 
this begins to look like attacking a straw man & crowing in triumph over 
"refuting" a fictional antagonist.  Actually it looks to me suspiciously like it 
could be the result of some personal vendetta.  

We've endured many other instances of this kind of self-proclaimed victory 
over those who voted for Obama in 2008, for example, but I'm afraid some of 
us may persist in our nefarious ways despite so frequently being exposed as 
dupes, fools, idiots,  etc.  Always sorry to disappoint triumphalists.  

Best wishes,

-- Ron

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