[Peace-discuss] 3/5 of House Dems "Obsessed" with Afghan Withdrawal Timetable

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 15:12:59 CDT 2010

"Obsession" isn't just "a fragrance for men." According to our
Commander-in-Chief, "obsession" now also characterizes the widespread
interest in the timeline for bringing home 100,000 American boys and
girls safely from Afghanistan so they can grow old with their
sweethearts and lead economically productive lives, rather than
becoming Pentagon statistics or lifelong burdens on their family
members and the public purse.

President Obama said there's "a lot of obsession" about the withdrawal
date for U.S. troops from Afghanistan, AP reported Sunday.

This "obsession" has so afflicted the body politic that Thursday
night, three-fifths of the Democrats in the U.S. House of
Representatives voted for an amendment on the war supplemental that
not only tried to lock in the July 2011 timetable for the beginning of
the drawdown that President Obama promised last year, but also would
have required the President to establish a timetable for the
completion of the drawdown.



Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

Urge Congress to Support a Timetable for Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan

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