[Peace-discuss] The People Have Spoken: Americans want Bachmann off the Intelligence Committee

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Thu Aug 2 14:34:33 UTC 2012

The Daily Kos diary made the rec list - something that has happened
3-4 times since 2006 when I began writing there. 273 recommended it,
146 shared it. The vote in the poll was:

"I'd like my Representative to advocate for Michele Bachmann's removal
from the House Intelligence Committee.

98%     708 votes
1%      9 votes
717 votes"

At Truthout, 2,300 "liked," 178 tweeted, 148 shared.


At Huffington Post, 1,032 recommended, 185 shared.


The masses get this. There's a limit to how many people we can engage
on what kind of waiver the President should have on the latest round
of Iran sanctions. But the masses understand Bachmann in a visceral
way. She is the Mean Girl, the Fourth Heather, the Slobodan Milosevic
of Minnesota, who rides to political power by bullying the weak and
the marginalized. They want her to be punished. They want her off the
Intelligence Committee.

Not to press our advantage on this is to leave money on the table...

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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