[Peace-discuss] Fw: Republican Senate Candidate Says Rapists Have God On Their Side

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 28 18:57:55 UTC 2012

Yr choice is Obama (ACA; Planned Parenthood; repeal of Bush tax cuts) or Romney (overturn Roe v Wade; unequal pay; tax decrease for wealthy).   

--- On Thu, 10/25/12, The Pen <theteam at peaceteam.net> wrote:

From: The Pen <theteam at peaceteam.net>
Subject: Republican Senate Candidate Says Rapists Have God On Their Side
To: jencart13 at yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 12:13 PM

It was no aberration when Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin 
recently tried to blame women themselves for getting pregnant from 
rape, claiming that's biologically impossible. Now Republican Senate 
candidate Richard Mourdock has also accidentally exposed his true 
agenda, stating that he believes every rape pregnancy "is something 
that God intended to happen". Yes, folks, rapists now too have God on 
their side. 

Mourdock further stated plainly he would not permit abortion even in 
the case of rape. That has always been the position of Republican 
Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan. That's the position of the 
Republican party platform. And Romney (who strongly endorses 
Mourdock) would absolutely push that same heartless agenda were he to 
be elected, no matter what he says today to the contrary. 

Please submit the action page just below to call on all members of 
Congress to declare that they support a woman's right to choose, in 
particular in the case of rape and incest. 

Action Page: Support A Woman's Right To Choose 

And after you submit the action page, feel free to request one of our 
pretty new "Rape Is NO Choice" bumper stickers. We just got out a big 
shipment on Tuesday by first class mail to all those who had already 
requested one. So if you want one too, you can have one for no 
charge, not even shipping, just by making the request. Of course, if 
you can make a donation of any amount, that is what makes it possible 
for us to send free stickers to anyone who cannot make a donation 
right now. 

Rape Is No Choice bumper stickers: 

Mourdock now claims his words were "twisted". We think what's twisted 
is to force a woman to bear the child of violent criminal against her 
will. So no matter how much Mourdock wrings his hands talking about 
how rape is so horrible, he still is determined to force women to 
endure the results of that horror by the police power of the 

And by the way, we cannot even count on him in the future honoring 
the one exception, life of the mother, he would allow for abortion. 
Because after all, for him it's just a short theological hop to the 
position that if the woman dies, that too is something God intended 
to happen. Don't you think it's time Mr. Mourdock stopped trying to 
tell other people what God wants, and trying to make that public 
policy? We do. 

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed 
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible. 
Contributions to The People's Email Network are not tax-deductible 
for federal income tax purposes. 

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at 

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function 
at http://www.usalone.net/out.htm 


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