[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Steven Salaita speaks

ya'aQov via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Fri Sep 12 09:23:32 EDT 2014

Dana Alqadi via Peace-discuss wrote: I was actually referring to
ya'aQov and his random throwout of the term fascist. I am certainly
not oblivious to the continuous drama he plagues us all with on this
peaceful list.

DG has been Fascist when he maintained the system of his ideological
statements on behalf of other people's opinions.

DG has been doing that systematically, to his Democratic Party
primaries adversaries, to private people in town, to me on this list,
to anybody voicing an opinion on Israel/Palestine different from his.

More than this is about DG, this is  about us going along with his
abhorrent conduct.

Carl E., Ron S., Karen A. and others lurking on this lists (perhaps
yourself) have not taken the challenge to speak on behalf of
Palestinians and Israelis, instead, adapted the short cut of attacking
Israel as a way of speaking for Palestinians.

If Salaita echoes the multiplicity of Palestinians, Moslem, and Arab
voices, how come his tweets voice only the one voice of attacking
Israel? how come he doesn't voice Gazans slaughtered by Hamas because
of their having a different opinion? how come he (and AWARE) don't
critique the Arab spring's democratic calls turned into a reboot of
slaughtering and autocratic regimes? how did a democracy spring
deteriorate into a slaughtering spring?

Carl etc. will rush to blame the US government; yet we all know that
casting blames did not, will not stop the vicious circle.

If you wish to reply, please eMail me directly, as I leave the dignity
of this list to you and your collaborators' attention.


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