[Peace-discuss] Reminder:

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 9 14:24:38 UTC 2017

Please join Stuart and I, plus others in downtown Champaign, in front of “Radio Maria Restaurant” at 11:00 am, and/or 2:00 pm at the Corner of Church and Neil in our protest on behalf of AWARE, "anti-war, anti-racism” against the recent bombing of Syria, by the USG. 

A very dangerous first step to continued and perpetual war in the Middle East, regime change in Syria, and potential war with Russia. 

There is no evidence that the Syrian government is responsible for the use of chemical weapons on it’s people, no investigation has taken place, and when we accused the Syrian government in 2013 of using chemical weapons, it was later proven untrue. 

Our continued breaking of our own laws, International laws, and yes even God’s laws, supported by all religions, that of “thou shalt not kill.” This criminality needs to be disputed. 

We need to be loud and clear, those of us, within the nation most responsible for the continuing atrocities, if we are not to be considered complicit, by historians, and generations to come. 

If you don’t reside in Champaign, Illinois then get involved in your community opposing continued war……

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