[Peace-discuss] Jean Bricmont on Yellow Vests

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 24 23:59:07 UTC 2019

I agree with Bricmont, as Malcolm X said: we shouldn’t fear nationalism, after all independence was won by the Vietnamese, the Chinese, some nations in Africa, as well as the USA, from colonialism, exploitation and oppression.

It is a strength of the French that they are united as one, regardless of race, religion as “working class” opposing the ruling oligarchs. A strength that we could we use today.

I love the “Marseillaise” and I’m not French.

On Feb 24, 2019, at 08:58, David Green <davidgreen50 at gmail.com<mailto:davidgreen50 at gmail.com>> wrote:

Does the movement of Yellow Vests not have the merit of showing us the panic of the oligarchy which directs France and the world?

(Laughs). I do not really like the term “oligarchy”, so I will say the ruling class. It is not just the capitalists, there is the whole petty bourgeoisie, there is the media, and so on. And I will not call it the oligarchy. We can see that in all these milieux there is a kind of panic. In France, artists, intellectuals, are very reticent. There is a slight mobilization in favor of the Yellow Vests, but they do not really know what to do. Since the movement is intensely patriotic – they sing the “Marseillaise”, wave the French flag, etc. It is an attitude that deeply disturbs the left.  The people show that they are attached to their country – as the Algerians are attached to Algeria, the French are attached to France -, which does not imply any hostility towards foreigners, but it implies a certain idea of national community and this is something that the left has hated for decades. It is the great problem of the left that it is cut off from the majority of people because it rejects this idea of a national community and puts forward its membership in Europe, globalization, etc. From this point of view, the left is completely cut off from the people.


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