[Peace] media group meeting at 4 pm today (Tue)

James Buell jbuell at prairienet.org
Tue Oct 23 10:22:29 CDT 2001

The media working group will meet at 4 pm today (Tuesday, 10/23) at Cafe
Paradiso on Lincoln Ave. in Urbana. We'll be looking into ways to raise
the visibility of AWARE in the community - ideas for flyers, buttons,
press releases, etc. are welcome. Please come if you can, and share your

I'll have some extra copies of the "united in peace" graphic from Barb
printed on heavy paper for people who'd like them. By the way, the graphic
looks great resized to fit on 8-1/2x11 paper in landscape format, printed
with a color inkjet. Cool, non-confrontational door art nobody could
possibly be afraid to display, Susan ;-).


|In light of the Sept. 11 tragedy, I invite you to consider:
|Alternative perspectives - http://www.commondreams.org
|A local C/U initiative - http://www.cyberspace.com/~aware
|Peace will not come out of a clash of arms but of justice lived -Gandhi

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