[Peace] Notes from 12/1/02 meeting

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Wed Dec 4 11:04:10 CST 2002

AWARE Notes 12-1-02
5 pm at the IMC
22 attending

Jeff facilitated.  Tonight's meeting is to develop an action plan for the 
near and medium future.

Education was a  video (Free Wheel Productions--Hidden Wars of Desert 
Storm) about Iraq War I, discussing the medical problems faced by US 
veterans.  Abe provided the video.

News of the Week from Carl Estabrook:
* NYC City Council approved a 18.5% increase in property taxes, called a 
'wartime tax'
* Bush military budget calls for $442 billion--up 50% from 2000.
* Bush appointed Henry Kissinger (war criminal) to study 9-11 attacks
* Weapons inspectors' ability being publicly questioned by British
* Anti-Israel bombing in Kenya - Israeli secret police take over investigation
* "Parallel legal system" being established for US citizens accused of 
terror crimes
* High-level Chicago religious leaders (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim) 
wrote a letter opposing war in Iraq

Carl spoke for an hour with US Rep. Tim Johnson & Matt Bisbee (TJ's media 
person) about Iraq.  Tim didn't know much about the details of Iraq, but 
was pleased to announce he'll be serving on the House Foreign Affairs 

Demonstration on 11-30:  25 attended, it was very cold!  Responses were 
fairly positive, giving "full peace sign, rather than the half peace sign" 
that the group sometimes gets.

AWARE Display at Champaign Pub Library: AWARE display is currently up at 
the library. Will be up for month of December.  Go check it out!

Ministerial Relations: David Green attended 2 ministerial meetings, 1 @ 
Christian Brethren (15 attended, nobody supported war); Sinai Temple (some 
argued in favor of 'pre-emptive' strike, but many opposing voices.)

Some people saw Michael Moore's film "Bowling for Columbine" (@ the Savoy 
theatres).  It's about the culture of violence in the US & investigates the 
incredible number of gun homicides in the US.

DI Ads for Israeli Violence
* Tues-Rally at noon on quad
* Wed-Protest at DI
* Thurs-Rally on quad at noon

Scott Ritter
5:30 Thurs @ Foellinger
NYT Magazine just trashed him, so read it, then go see him.

Peace Bazzar 12/14 @ UCC (6th & Daniel)
Quakers & United Church of Christ fundraiser for peace.

Highdive Fundraiser for Public I (IMC Newspaper).  The newspaper is broke; 
tax-deductible donations can be made to the Urbana Independent Media Center.

Overnight Political Dicsussion
2-6 a.m. Wed, Thurs on WEFT 90.1 FM
Carl & Friends--stop by if you're up.  113 N Market St.

Abe gave a financial report.

Anti-Semitism Group: David reported that a flyer is being made.  Education 
is the focus.

Tabling: Didn't happen last week.  Jeff will ask Stwby Fields.  We want to 
hand out lit, we won't approach people, and we want to sell postcards.  We 
can have lit at World Harvest.

Graphic Arts: Cope Cumpston reminds us that she'll design flyers for anyone 
who needs one. 239-5338

Direct Action: Ricky Baldwin needs someone to pick up the signs next 
week.  Marina volunteers to do it.  Jeff made a flyer for the demos; it'll 
be posted to the anti-war.net website in pdf format.

Brainstorming led to the following ideas:
* City council resolutions opposing the Patriot Act (cf. MA groups) or the 
Iraq war (cf. Chicago groups). - Carl & Greens

* Plan direct action for the day the bombing begins (like Student Peace 
Action's class walk-out) - Robert & Adrienne

* Participate in MLK day events, ask ahead of time to include anti-war 
themes, leaflet events with MLK anti-war statements - Peter Roehloff

* Regional/local Indymedia awareness - Sandra

* Organize wide participation in the ANSWER/MoveOn DC demo scheduled for 
1/19 - Jeff

* Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow speaker come to town - Carol

* Anti-semitism event - David

Off to working groups at 6:50.

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