[Peace] AWARE meeting notes, 6-2-02

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Jun 2 19:21:25 CDT 2002

AWARE June 2, 2002
5 p.m. at the IMC
218 W Main St., Champaign

25 attending

Lisa Chason began the meeting by explaining a proposal for a new meeting 
10 minutes of performance
30 minutes of education
15 minute update on the News of the Week from Carl Estabrook
5 minute break
30 minute "business meeting" (what happened during the previous week, 
what's coming up, etc.)

AWARE attendees will be needed to organize the meetings (1) arrange a 
performance, 2) arrange an educational event (speaker, video, discussion), 
3) ensure snacks are provided.).

After some discussion, attendees unanimously agree to try it.

Jun 9:   Robert Dunn & Sandra Ahten (Activist Autobiographies)
June 16: Sandra Ahten
June 23: Mike Walcher
June 30: Al Kagan
July 14: Durl Kruse (Report on trip to Cuba)

AWARE Care will continue to meet on Thursdays at 7 at IMC.

PERFORMANCE:  Brian and Clint present a performance without a name.
-> Prompting Theatre next Saturday at 3 p.m. at Parkland College. Contact 
Brian Hagy for details.

EDUCATION:  We watched the 8-minute video of Reagan's secretary of 
Education and a former "Drug Czar", William Bennett, debate Noam Chomsky on 
CNN.  Bennett is hard to watch ('if you hate America so much, why do you 
live here?' repeatedly).  The anchor, Paula Zahn, referred to Chomsky as 
"Professor" and Bennett as "Bill".

NEWS OF THE WEEK:  Carl presents his information. See peace-discuss for the 


AHMED BENSOUDA'S ARREST:  Zach Miller updated us.  On Thursday at 2:30, 
Ahmed was taken by FBI or INS agents.  He was held overnight.  At 6:30 the 
next morning, the agents returned him to his home (shackeled and 
hand-cuffed) to pick up a single suitcase of belongings.  About 40 of 
Ahmed's supporters greeted them.  The INS then took him to the Sangamon Co. 
jail, where he's being held.  His parents have secured a lawyer, but Ahmed 
may not have accepted representation.  The government offered a deal:  he 
may be allowed to leave the US in the next few days.  Government claims he 
hasn't been in classes since 2000, nobody knows for certain.  Ahmed prefers 
to leave the country quickly than wait in jail and fight the charges. Ahmed 
asks that his supporters not hold open protest for the next 7-10 days.  If 
he's not out, his supporters can take action to support him.

Next meeting of Friends of Ahmed is on Monday, June 10 at the IMC.

MUTUAL AID PACT:  Many people have signed up due to Ahmed's situation.  A 
website exists (thanks to a volunteer), and a secure database will be set 
up.  People should keep publicizing the pact.  ACLU lawyers are available 
to help.  Contact Al Kagan for more information.

LITERATURE:  Al Kagan et. al. made a new flyer about US aid to 
Israel.  People should read them and give them to others.  The text is 
on-line at peace-discuss.

LETTERS:  Robert submitted a letter to the editor noting that US political 
system is like  a dictatorship; Al Kagan submitted a letter about the 
anti-muslim Parkland professor; Wilhemine wrote a letter about 

SPEAKERS' BUREAU:  Jeff Glassman reported that some speaking engagements 
are happening.

RADIO INTERVIEW:  Doug Rokke was interviewed on WILL-AM.  Doug has received 
many comments.  He'll be on the Greek national TV, too. Jeff Glassman has a 
copy of the tape.

DIRECT ACTION:  Ladies and Laddies is suspended.  Fourth of July parade 
planning instead.  Will meet immediately after this meeting at 
IMC.  Contact Susan Parenti for more information.


Tuesday at 7 at Channing Murray Foundation
Palestine-Israel Peace Fundraiser
Andrew Kennis (indymedia reporter), Robert Lipton (human shield), (Voices 
in the Wilderness person).  Vegetarian food provided!  HELP NEEDED!  Need 
to help call people on the AWARE list.  Contact Sandra Ahten.

New Video:  Another World is Possible.  From World Social Forum.  Roberto 
Mendoza wants to show it (half-hour video.)

AWARE TV - Kord Russel has a down-period as he moves.  The space is 
available. Contact Kord if you're interested in broadcasting anti-war video 
on public access TV.

Tuesday at 10 a.m. Human Shield Robert Lipton will be on WILL AM.

Adjourn at 6:30.

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