[Peace] Support Lori Tomorrow!

sarah elzbieta kanouse kanouse at students.uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 17 22:12:27 CDT 2003

It's time to rouse yourselves from the dog days of summer and show up to
support your fellow justice activist and friend Lori Serb TOMORROW!

Lori Serb's trial
Friday, July 18, 1:20 pm (trial begins at 1:30 sharp)
Urbana County Courthouse
204 East Main
Courtroom D--3rd Floor

Come to support Lori, come to show your opposition to unwarranted,
violent, and illegal police treatment of protesters!  We need lots of
support to send the message that people are watching and care about this
issue and our friend.  Ther's no limit on the number of observers, so
bring a friend.

Please arrive on time and avoid wearing t-shirts with slogans.  No
recording equipment is permitted in the courtroom.  This is a bench trial,
meaning that a judge decides the verdict.

Lori is on trial for resisting arrest at the May 3 Prospect for Peace
demonstration, during which a police officer tackled her from behind and
threw her to the ground without properly identifying himself or informing
her she was under arrest.  Lori entered a plea of "not guilty" at a June
20th hearing and is represented by attorney Harvey Welch.

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