[Peace] Recommended videos for AWARE on the Air, News from Neptune, and Labor's World View TV

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Nov 17 02:17:05 UTC 2020

Here are the video suggestions I've sent to Jason Liggett of UPTV to run during AWARE 
on the Air, News from Neptune, and Labor's World View TV's timeslots. As before, I've 
asked Jason to prioritize AWARE member suggested videos ahead of my suggestions for 
AOTA/NFN and to prioritize anything David Johnson prefers for Labor's World View TV.




https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=z4m0KkiqDPo -- (44m 46s) Dissenter Weekly: Biden 
Transition Team Members Were Involved In Obama's War On Whistleblowers; Kevin 
Gosztola with Brian Sonenstein on the Biden-Harris transition agency review teams, 
and a Julian Assange update.

https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=8PcC4Ymp_Ac -- (1h 30m 06s) Unauthorized Disclosure: 
Max Blumenthal Shares Reporting From Bolivia—Plus, US Election Results with Rania 
Khalek and Max Blumenthal. Bolivia recently democratically regained control of their 
country from US-backed coupsters by voting the coupsters out of office and 
reinstating the Mas party.


https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=zlyQ_j-jpYw -- (1h 4m) Taylor Hudak interviews Dr. 
Jill Biden on the 2020 election and US elections in general including the 
evidenceless allegations of fraud,

RT: On Contact

Video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=j4WEALCaOcg -- (25m 24s) Chris Hedges interviews 
Rev. Dr. Mel White on Christian fundamentalist threat to civil liberties.
Transcript: https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/506667-american-fascists-christian-right/

RT: Going Underground

https://youtube.com/watch?v=iCRDvTEHPc8 -- (14m 49s) US and UK imprisonment: Are they 
fundamentally broken? Afshin Rattansi interview with Chris Daw, QC.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=BgHm81oZsjg -- (13m 29s) Communist Cuba develops 
Coronavirus vaccine despite US sanctions. Cuba also has fewer COVID-19 deaths (both 
overall and per capita). What does this threat of a better example mean? Afshin 
Rattansi interview with Dr. Helen Yaffe. Dr. Yaffe's interview gives much cause for 
rethinking our economic model in which you get as much healthcare as you can afford.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XazRcWEzKvg -- (13m 27s) Afshin Rattansi interviews Matt 
Taibbi on Biden's past and foreseeable future.

RT: Renegade, Inc.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Aow-mPXjrME -- (27m 58s) Two interviews: Doug Henwood 
(Left Business Observer) and Ariel Gold (CODEPINK National Co-Director) on a 
Biden/Harris presidency in separate interviews. Henwood's interview is fairly good 
but the latter interview is rather unfortunate both in that the subject, Gold, 
apparently holds evidenceless views that "we voted out fascism" by electing Joe 
Biden, repeating the evidenceless belief (that amounts to excuse-making for 
passivity) that people can push Biden into supporting their policies, and that 
progressive Congressmembers will do us a favor (even citing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 
AOC, in that set). The interviewer gives no evidence that he knows that AOC voted for 
the CARES Act (where the alleged progressives never used their power to get us a UBI 
or Medicare for All but gave the wealthy trillions), Biden's previous administration 
was soundly pro-war (more bombing than GW Bush before him), threw 50+ million 
families out of their homes in a comparable economic circumstance to what we see now, 
and wrote the Crime Bill never once being pushed out of any of those things. I 
respect the anti-war activism CODEPINK has carried out, most notably with Medea 
Benjamin (who might have made a better interview here), and I appreciate that 
CODEPINK reps bring up anti-war points in their interviews even if I disagree with 
some of the liberal fictions one can hear on establishment media all day long.


https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=5H5P9Mewq6A -- (20m 27s) Biden "chief propagandist" 
opposes free press; Anya Parampil talks with Ben Norton on how US propaganda works 
and what the Clinton & Obama/Biden administrations did as a forecast for what's 
coming in a Biden/Harris administration.

https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=0AWTYGZnkvk -- (43m 39s) As Trump rejects US 
election, Biden signals continued regime change abroad; Aaron Maté talks with Max 

https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=XcgS6Z8Arn0 -- (39m 10s) "The real 2020 election 
scandal: voter theft targeting Black people, youth"; Aaron Maté interviews Greg Palast.

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