[Vip-recreation] Art Festival, YMCA, bowling, coaching, bball

ctrimarc at uiuc.edu ctrimarc at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 12 00:05:40 CDT 2005

So we have tons of stuff this weekend (and yes, I realize it's
Mom's weekend).  If you could help with anything, even for
only an hour or two, I know the agencies that need help would
greatly appreciate it.  So please just take a look at these
events and see if there is anything you could help with.
Thanks, in advance, :)

**Scorers table at the Don Moyer's Boy and Girls Club this
Thursday at 6pm.  Email Rebecca at rzwang2 at uiuc.edu

**Parent's Night Out at the YMCA this Friday from 6-9:30pm. 
Watch movies, play games, do crafts, eat Pizza with the kids
while the parents take the night off.  
-Email Sarah at sendrsn1 at uiuc.edu

**Boneyard Arts Festival-Urbana Park District (two days - Fri
& Sat) - Please help with this, we need about 5 volunteers per
shift, bring your Mom if you want...
-Assist the parents and children with various crafts and art
projects at the Lincoln Square Mall
-this Friday April 15th 4-8pm
-Saturday April 16th 10am-6pm (let me know times you can go,
we will be doing shifts - 10-2 & 2-6)
-Email me at ctrimarc at uiuc.edu

**AFterhours at the YMCA this Friday
-Basketball, music, pizza with junior high kids

**We FINALLY started bowling with CU Special Rec, but we could
use a few more people...we are going on Mondays and Wednesdays
at 4pm.  Email Marc at marcpan at uiuc.edu (he's one of our new
coordinators, yay!!)

**T-BAll, Baseball COACHING this summer (starts in May)for
Urbana Park District
-Email Matt at mgberger at uiuc.edu

**If you made it this far and have ever volunteered with CU
Special Recreation then you are invited to a special Volunteer
Recognition Party.  It will be this Sunday April 17th from
1-3pm.  I will be providing rides and leading a caravan for
those that want to drive from the union...meet there at
12:45pm.  Let me know if you want a ride or will be meeting at
the union so I know to wait for you.

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