[Volunteers] OVP Weekly Volunteer Opportunity E-mail (02/11/03)

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Feb 11 13:44:29 CST 2003

Good afternoon all!

Table of Contents:
1. OVP Survey (takes only 2-3 minutes) -- Help Make Student Lives Better.
2. Dialogue Series on Civic Engagement
3. VIP Blood Drive -- Help Save Lives.
4. National Literacy Week -- needs your old clothes!
5. FUSION 2003 -- Leadership, Diversity, Service


1. Fill out the community service survey... help OVP figure out what to do
http://www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp/resources/survey.htm -- it's quick (8
questions) and will help us figure out how volunteerism is effecting

2. Office of Volunteer Programs' Dialogue Series on Civic Engagement
continues on Wednesday, February 19th at 7PM in 404 Illini Union with the
topic, "Can Your Vote Impact Social Problems?"  Come discuss this
important topic with other students as we seek to infuse this campus with
a student voice and action that unleashes the power of students rebuilding
the fabric of democracy.  The next dialogues in this series are: Thursday,
March 6th: "Is There An Appropriate Living Wage?"  Thursday, April 17th:
"Activism: A Single Voice Can Make A Change." Each dialogue will be held
in 404 Illini Union at 7pm. Please contact Valerie Olson if you have any
questions at the Office of Volunteer Programs in 277 Illini Union or call
at 333-7424.

3. VIP and American Red Cross vants...to suck...your blood... Blood drive
is this week (Feb 10th-13th) here in the Illini Union Rm 314.  You can
help save lives by coming in from 10am-4pm!!!

4. Volunteer Illini Projects and The Office of Volunteer Programs are
hoping to really get involved, so here's a really easy way to help out:
Bring any "brand name", gently used clothes to the OVP office (2nd floor
of the Union, in the RSO complex), during the FIRST 2 WEEKS OF FEBRUARY.
We will sell anything we collect to Plato's Closet, and donate the funds
to a wonderful organization in the C-U community called The Reading Group,
which helps teach children and adults HOPE to read! Anything you bring
will be a huge help! If you don't have time to help in other ways, this
lets you volunteer without the huge time commitment (and also clean out
your closets!) If you have any question AT ALL, contact Rita
(strakovs at uiuc.edu), or call the VIP office @ 333-1020.

5. FUSION 2003 -- FUSION is a new organization that has been created with
the mission of creating coalitions through Service, Diversity and
Leadership.  FUSION, the Leadership Center and the Office of Volunteer
Programs are working together to organize a series of events to help you
publicize your organization and to learn how you can collaborate with
other organizations.  The calendar of events is below.  Please feel free
to contact Namita Arora <narora at uiuc.edu> if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 16, 2003
Service Roundtable
Facilitated by Kathy Guthrie from the Office of Volunteer Programs
5:30 PM
407 Illini Union

Sunday, February 23, 2003
With Keynote Speaker Gail Stern, Associate Director for Law Enforcement
Training, National Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League
1:30-3:30 PM
Illini Rooms B and C

Thirsting for other volunteer opportunities? Check out www.cuvolunteer.org
for 250+ others.

Tell them the Office of Volunteer Programs sent you,

--Sascha & Sara
Office of Volunteer Programs

Phone#:  333-7424
E-mail:  ovp at uiuc.edu
Office:  277 Illini Union (in the RSO complex)
Website: www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp

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